Project Description

Hana Menkari
Hana Menkari has spent her high school years striving to create a more just society, within her high school, community, and on a state level. As a co-founder of The Red Cross Club, at her high school, she helped to raise funds for first aid training through Boston Children’s Hospital. Also, she led the club in organizing “Totes of Hope” to support homeless veterans with hygiene products during the winter months.
Through Model UN, Hana debated and collaborated with youth from around the world. She won many awards through this organization, such as The Best Public Speaker Award and the Best Position Paper Award. Hanna also represents the Revere Cares/Youth Health Leadership Council. She co-created Amplify, a TV show highlighting inequitable experiences. She worked extensively at the studio in Revere, facilitating student discussions on topics such as school-to-prison pipelines and food waste. This has become a place for students to converse and empower each other. Hana has been a part of the 84 Movement Statewide Leadership Team, which is approximately 20 youths from across the state, organizing against the tobacco industry and its effects on BIPOC youth. Hana has spent her high school years exploring social advocacy and reform. She states “To create substantial change we must begin in our own communities.” Hana will be attending the University of Pennsylvania in the fall.